book launch july!

It’s human to give a sh!T

By John Mazz

Want to be happy?  Learn to be content first.

This book is a practical self-help reference guide to personal contentment and development.

It's part philosophy, part psychology, but with a practical approach to how traditional ideas regarding well-being should be contextualized for our modern world.

It’s time for a new perspective.




I’m currently collecting reviews for the July launch. If you are interested in reviewing the book, please email me at Thank you.

"Enjoying the read! Lots of gold in it and my initial thoughts are that this book is a personal development book for today, now. It acknowledges the current world we are living in which has changed dramatically in the last twenty years. It was time for a new personal development book, for this new era. Your book is full of realistic, useful insights and practical wisdom to not just navigate this changing world, but to thrive in it. "

-- Karletta Marie, Daily Inspired Life


john mazz

John Mazzanovich is a father, musician, songwriter, wine salesman, photographer, poet, author, and occasional philosopher focusing on the pragmatic.  I’ve had a lifetime of good teachers and experiences, engaged in lots of analysis, and done a fair amount of studying of religions and philosophies, as well as psychology.  My journey as a songwriter and poet is one primarily of self-discovery and, later, self-acceptance.